Translation of Legal Documents & Content

In today’s interconnected global society, law firms often need to be be able to speak to audiences in countries other than their home base. We are often approached to help law firms create an English language version of their existing website, newsletters, sales material and other digital or hard copy content. Those firms understand that a basic translation of their material is not enough and that a more in depth review and refresh of the narrative is necessary.


Translation of the written word is not enough

If English is your second language, it can be difficult to write legal content that is fully engaging for the reader and grammatically correct. Legal content that is not translated properly will most likely read in an awkward and unprofessional manner, ultimately failing to convey the intended message to your audience. This causes potential clients to find other law firms to engage due to the poor impression this creates.

Experienced in transforming translated content

At The Legal Copywriting Company, we are well versed in taking raw translations written in native languages and transforming these into content that flows naturally in English, speaks to your target audience at the appropriate level whilst also ensuring that the rules of English language are applied. We have experience of translating legal content for customers in Asia, including Hong Kong and also Latin America. As we only specialise in legal content, we are able to refresh content provided such that it retains its original intent but crucially read as though written originally in English.

We also understand that there may be a need to change legal references from local to UK law. As part of our translation service, we will look at the most applicable UK law where required and ensure that this is accurately reflected in your content.

If you need a document, technical white-paper, newsletter, website, blog or any other content re-writing as though written in English, call us today on +44 (0) 1767 600544 to discuss your requirements.